Learning Resource Centre
Our Knowledge Center is an invaluable resources for our students, researchers and faculty. It provides relevant, authoritative and up-to-date information on almost any subject. The library has built a robust collection of thousands of books, bound volumes, journals and news papers, working papers and many other resources like thesis, student’s project reports, CDs and videos.
- Over 6000 volumes covering management and allied subjects.
- Over 30 print journals subscription available with KBS.
- “Proquest” – an online database of over 200,000 journals and magazines.
- Rich Collections of CDs, Audio visual material
- Vast collection of case studies.
- Good collection of training manuals.
- Leading news/business/financial papers in India.
- Online line data bases and specialized information on various topics.
- International journals and magazines for reading at library.
- Data base search facilities at members request.