MOU signed between KET’s schools of Management and Global College, Nepal
A part of effective management education is exposure to global systems. To facilitate this and to help students learn about businesses and cultural frameworks, Kohinoor Business School & Kohinoor Management School, Mumbai, India and the Global College International, Nepal, Kathmandu, signed a virtual Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), to establish collaborations for students and faculty, short term and long term mobility programmes, Academic Resources Exchange, Online mobility, Joint Research Programmes and activities.
The signing of the MoU was virtual and KBS-KMS were represented by CA. Sunil. G. Karve, Hon. Chairman – Governing Board, KET, Dr. Sandeep Sawant, Director – Kohinoor Management School, Dr. Svetlana Tatuskar, Director – Kohinoor Business School and Dr. Bharati Deshpande, Dean – Kohinoor Business School. From Global College International, Nepal, Kathmandu, Dr. Subash Shrestha, Principal, Global College International, Dr. Devraj Paneru, Director – IQAC, Global College International and Dr Akshay Arora, Director – Graduate Studies & CPD Global College International graced the occasion. This MOU will witness several academic ventures between Global College International and KBS-KMS. It will open new avenues of learning for students, who would have opportunities for a holistic learning experience, in diverse business environments. We are hopeful that this will mark the beginning of more innovative ideas and a plethora of learning opportunities for the students and faculty of both institutions, and most importantly, both nations.