KET’s Schools of Management pay obeisance to Great Gurus on Guru Poornima
In keeping with our tradition of remembering the contribution of the Guru in our lives, KET’s Schools of Management celebrated Guru Poornima in a unique way. The Institutional Cultural Committee engaged the faculty and staff in an innovative quiz activity, comprising questions related to Gurus in varied fields of learning. The venue was tastefully decorated, filling the ambience with a lot of positive vibes. A few videos, dedicated to the gurus and individuals who teach us through their actions each day, were also played. Moreover, as a mark of respect and as a gesture of gratitude, a Tree of Gratitude was installed. Staff and faculty expressed their respect towards their gurus, in the form of heartfelt messages written on leaf shaped papers, which they stuck on the Tree of Gratitude. The celebration brought to life the tradition of Guru Poornima and was an acknowledgement of the importance of a Guru in our lives.